Whether seen from a management, analytical, algorithmic, or user perspective, the ability to track social usage presents many opportunities for new kinds of software applications. 不管是从管理、分析、算法或是用户角度来看,能够跟踪社交使用信息给新的软件应用带来了许多机会。
He is totally ignorant of social usage. 他对社会习俗一无所知。
Different social media usage patterns tell a great deal about the Internet and the country involved. 不同的社交媒体使用方式对网络和相关国家的参与度给予了一定解释。
To behave in a civilized manner, be polite and observe common courtesy; a courteous manner that respects accepted social usage. 讲究文明礼貌,遵守社会公德;尊重社会约定的有礼貌的行为方式。
A discourteous manner that ignores accepted social usage. 不顾及一般社会约定的无礼的行为方式。
While these technologies have been strongly tied to social networking, they have also been picking up usage in other areas as well. 这些技术不仅被广泛地应用于社会网络项目,现在它们也正在被其他领域所用。
Licensed pharmacists play an important role in the field of social drug usage, which should be governed by the national legislation. 执业药师在社会用药方面的作用不可低估,但同时又有待于立法来规范。
The other is used as a kind of social function, that is, the usage for human being and the society, named "news value for function". 另一个层次是作为社会功能的新闻价值,也就是新闻传播活动和事业对于整个人类与社会的有用性,我们称之功能性新闻价值。
Results Scores of social support and subjective support and support usage of the old retired people with slight, moderate or sever depression status were lower than that of the old retired people without depression, and the difference was significant. 结果离退休老年患者轻、中、重度抑郁组在社会支持、主观支持、社会支持利用度3项的得分比无抑郁组低,有显著性差异。
Objective To explore effect of social support on internet usage motive of college students. 目的探讨社会支持对大学生上网动机的影响。
The social and economic impact of the alternatives to DDT usage for antifouling paints will be momentous. DDT在我国的全面替代必将会对我国的社会经济产生重大影响。
Conclusion The influence of social factors on medication use in aged population is a general social phenomenon, that may increase the socialized usage of medication in this population, exacerbate medication use followed blindly, and thus increase unnecessary/ incorrect use of medication in aged population. 结论社会因素对老龄群体用药的影响是一普遍现象,其结果会导致老龄群体用药社会化程度提高,用药的盲从心理加剧,使老龄群体不合理的用药行为更加普遍。
The other is the self-discipline development, i.e. transferring positively the way of social economy development and water resources exploitation and usage, intensifying the management of water saving and water usage demand, controlling the economy demand within the regime of water resources carrying capacity. 二是走自律式发展道路,积极转变社会经济发展和水资源开发利用方式,强化节水和用水需求管理,将经济社会需求控制在水资源承载能力范围之内。
CONCLUSION: It is good for the mental health of SARS patients in rehabilitation period to improve the social support and usage of support. 结论:提高患者的社会支持度和支持的利用度有利于提高SARS康复患者的心理健康水平。
An analysis of the tendencies of social usage of language in Guangdong 当代广东社会用语倾向分析
The result indicates that the social and economic impact of the alternatives to DDT usage for antifouling paints will be controlled the accepted range as long as the elusion measures are carrying into effect. 结果表明,在采取各种规避措施的前提下,替代项目的社会与经济影响是可以控制在可接受的范围之内的。
According to Socio semantics, social factors influence the formation, change and usage of the meaning of a language unit. 社会语义学认为,社会因素对语言单位意义的形成、变化以及语言单位的使用产生影响。
The imperial examination is the main marking of the Ming and Qing Dynasties time. All the social psychology, the social usage, the social activity related closely with the imperial examination. 科举是明清时期的主要标识,一切社会心理、社会习俗、社会活动都与科举保持着密切联系。
The development of banking not only affects stability and safety of a country, but also affects the allocative effect of social resources and usage of financial resources directly. 银行业的发展不但关系到一国金融的稳定与安全,银行业效率的高低也直接影响到社会资源的配置效果和金融资源的利用水平。
Put the social class as the argument, the number of all kinds of words as the dependent variable. Through the statistics, we can reveal the relationship between social class and word usage. 因此我们把社会阶层设为自变量,把各类词语出现的数量设为因变量,通过数量统计,观察阶层与词语数量的关系,来揭示社会阶层与词语使用情况的关系。
Meeting the social requirements ensure the maximal usage of vocational education human resource. 社会需求的满足保证了职业教育人才的人尽其用。
Main founding of the research including the degree of converse culture shock and the time length oversea has correlation, and the degree of repatriation adjustment has correlations with interpersonal communication, social communication, usage frequency of mass media and personal culture adjustment decision-makings. 研究发现研究对象的逆向文化冲击程度同出国时间相关,文化适应的程度则与同当地的人际交流、同当地的社会交流、介入当地大众传播媒介的程度以及个体文化策略的选择相关。
For illustration purpose, the method is applied to two data sets, which are from the clinical trial of a pharmaceutical company and a social survey about the usage of the stimulant drug, respectively. 为了考察本文所提出的方法在实际应用中的效果,我们分析了两个数据集,分别来自于制药企业的药物试验以及有关毒品吸食的社会调查。
In addition, the hostile nature environment, the wicked social customs, the occupation and the usage of technology are the important reasons of alienation of human nature. 此外,恶劣的自然环境、不良的社会习俗、职业及技术的使用、经济过贫过富也是造成人性异化的重要原因。
One function of language education is to serve for social usage so that we must make effort to help students build their oral communicative skill of language. 语文教育要实现其服务社会的功能,就必须重视学生口语交际能力的培养。
In a language system, changes in social life are always reflected in the usage of day-to-day vocabulary. 在语言系统中,社会生活的变化总是最先反映到日常的词汇使用中。
This theme developed into two sub-questions: we first discovered immediate factors of individual social capital and then found how the usage of social network affects individual social network. 本研究内容分为两个子问题展开:首先探索个人社会资本直接的影响因素,其次研究社会网络的使用对这些因素的影响作用。
Known for its high energy consumption, the construction industry accounts for great proportion of the social total energy consumption especially during the progress of usage. The construction industry has huge potential and space of energy conservation. 建筑业同时又是我国的能耗大户,建筑物在建成及其之后的使用过程中所消耗的能源约占社会总能耗的比重非常大,有巨大的节能潜力和空间。
Yet social networking usage in China has taken a different path from the rest of the world due to the political climate, culture, and better acceptance of technology usage. 然而,由于政治气候、文化和更好的技术应用接受等原因,中国与其他国家不同、另辟蹊径。
Because of its enormous economic interests and a wide range of social influence, the usage and protection, restriction and interest conflict of patents of the pharmaceutical industry has become one of the most controversial areas in the globe trade related intellectual property right issues. 因为涉及巨大的经济利益和广泛的社会影响力,制药业的专利利用与保护,限制与利益冲突业已成为全球与贸易有关知识产权争议最大的领域之一。